This episode of Can-Am Off-Road Livin' the Land tells the unique family story of a white label agave producer with a tequila distillery in Tepatitlan, state of Jalisco. Juan Manuel Trujillo, alongside...
Can-Am Off-Road is launching the next three episodes of its acclaimed, “Livin’ the Land” video series, which takes an in-depth look at real people living in a world fueled by the off-road...
Since first introduced in 2020, the Can-Am Defender 6x6 has been a workhorse, capable of going places other side-by-side vehicles (SSV) could only dream. It is a go-to vehicle for hunters, ranchers,...
Explore the capabilities of the 2020 Can-Am Defender MAX XT with its powerful engine to its rugged suspension, this side-by-side is built to handle the toughest challenges.
ALSO, SEE: 2020 Can-Am Defender Lineup...